Since we were all introduced just the other day to my dear friend Hardcore, it's high time we become acquainted with its bedfellow, Ecology. I realize that the implications of a word such as ecology offer quite a departure from the crusty violence associated with hardcore. Yet somewhere along the line I took it into my brain to combine the two into one schizophrenic blog. Nothing like pulling carrots fresh from the earth while blasting the neighbors with some mad Slayer riffage, am I right?
Seriously though. Human ecology is a matter of life and death. We have subjugated the planet's natural resources in a futile attempt to fuel the insatiable engine of capitalism and materialism. Current methods of production are simply unsustainable in any sort of long-term scenario. Those industrial-sized drills may as well be digging humanity's mass grave. To be sure, however, I share in the culpability of our society. I can't claim to be the righteous messiah of Nature. I too am guilty of the immense perversion of nature. Here I sit, typing on the triumph of the 20th century: the personal computer. Its silky black keys beneath my fingers, synthetically molded from liquidated organic dinosaur matter. Clearly our relationship to the past and future is inescapable. The way I see it, humans need to redefine their relationship to their environment if they wish to create even the illusion of permanence in this world. At this rate, the Earth stands ready to reject the human race just as the immune system rejects a virus. As I mentioned previously though, I am in the very same boat as all the rest. The difference is right now I'm slapping my oars against the viscous, fossil-fuel saturated water, hoping that someone will pay attention to what I have to say. As much as this blog is a place for me to show off my completely irrelevant knowledge of men who growl and make noise for a living, it's also an opportunity to propagate knowledge of environmental injustices.
There is yet hope for a more eco-sensitive future if only people would accept the gravity of the situation and not simply brush it off for fear that if they concede the existence of global warming, they'll have to give up their precious Starbucks lattes. I urge everyone to reconsider their priorities. And I promise to do the same. There are small improvements we can all adopt without much pain. For example, try bringing reusable bags to the grocery store, investing in waterbottles not containing BPA, and eating fresh, local food instead of processed and packaged crap full of additives. You may find that being conscious of these matters is not only beneficial for your mental health, but your physical well-being too. And even if you've heard heard all these little suggestions before and are frankly getting sick of them, don't think they're going away anytime soon. From these small adjustments comes larger-scale revolution. To briefly illustrate, people around the nation are coming together to ban the fuck out of single-use plastic bags.
The point being, if you're not already concerned with the abominable state that modern industry has put nature in, you had better get with the program. It's going to take a massive group effort in order to reverse even some of the damage that has been done. Don't despair just yet though. If we appropriate efficient new technologies that either reuse waste or create none at all, adopt sustainable methods of harvesting resources, and couple this with a drastic reduction in material consumption, we might be able to reach some some of equilibrium. For those of you uninformed, environmental reform doesn't mean returning to stick and stones and bushmeat. But it does require the rejection of superfluous, single-service convenience. And the banishment of Monsanto as well.
I feel like I may be getting a little carried away at the moment. Let's refocus a bit. There's time to delve into individual issues in the future. The initial goal of this post was to explain the mysterious presence of the word 'ecology' in this blog's title. I probably could have skipped the whole dramatic intro and simply put it like this: I'm just a guy who likes hardcore music, but who also wants to see mankind reform its relationship with the environment to be more caring and sustainable. I'm hoping some of you share at least this latter sentiment. Or else I'm rather fucked, along with humanity as a whole.
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