Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Right, so what's been going on at Uma Rapiti. Well we've weathered a few storms and things are starting to look up a bit. The sun has been out longer and stronger, and even though we're still in the depths of winter, this Waiheke Island microclimate is starting to feel like spring. And as a result, a few of the seeds that I sowed earlier on have begun to sprout.

Other things that have gone in the ground so far are garlic, potatoes, lettuces and some kale sprouts. Most of the work however has been in the greenhouse, getting seeds started in their trays and waiting till the time and the climate is right to plant them out into the rested beds. With garden activity being pretty low-key, I've had time to strike up some other projects like putting in a new set of steps up to the woolshed and digging in some paving stones to create new paths. The photo below is just a rough dig to make sure everything is going to fit right and my measurements weren't way off. Still working on the tricky task of screwing everything together in order and making sure it's all level. Not exactly the kind of thing I have heaps of practice with, but challenging myself like that is what this experience is all about.

Aside from work, I've had a good bit of leisure time to explore the island by bike, car and even by kayak. I paddled out to a small island just off the coast and had a good rummage around and came away with a good haul of mussels that became a delicious stew that night. There's nothing quite like plucking your dinner straight from the sea. I'm just loving all the opportunities to enjoy real, fresh food while living here on the farm. With eggs from the chooks, all the garden veggies and the orange trees producing, I'm feeling pretty well fed. It's definitely a special place.

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