Friday, December 26, 2014

Full Circle

Well here I am again, back in Glen Ellen following the circus that is college. A full four years plus a bit have passed since I first set off for Whitman up in Washington, believing my path to be secured and straightforward. Yet it morphed into something wholly unexpected and heavier on the life experience than the academic rigour, though nonetheless worthy of being cherished and valued in its own right. In the end I emerged with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Geography. At least I hope so. This still needs to be confirmed by an academic board meeting in February. Graduation is a very strange process in New Zealand. I'll also have to pay the courier fee to have my scroll delivered overseas.

Despite all the wonderful diversions along the way: living in Motueka, Waiheke Island and travelling to Argentina, I am happy to be home for the moment. This first week of reconnecting with people and place has been fantastic, heightened by the cheer of the holiday season. In fact, it was a dear friend who encouraged me to re-ignite this digital journal at least as some personal catharsis, even if no one reads it. The Hardcore Ecologist has existed in one form or another for the past four years and I appreciate anyone who has been a part of it. Regardless, I love my friends here and they are wholly irreplaceable. I am consistently amazed by their warmth and their own achievements while I've been geographically detached. Though I have received many compliments and envious remarks on my travels, oftentimes I am more impressed with what my friends have become moreso than anything I've stumbled my way into. Things always look rosier through the facade of Facebook or Instagram. Things have not always been easy, in fact living in rural NZ was frequently isolating and lonely, with no stability to even entertain the idea of a girlfriend, etc.

But I suppose in a lot of ways I should be proud that I have been able to make good on my early ideals and plans hatched back in high school; much of my daydreams have in fact come to fruition. For example living in New Zealand and connecting with my roots, managing an island permaculture farm, working in an organic vineyard, backpacking and travelling heaps. I have also finally properly earned the title of Hardcore Ecologist, given that I am now employed by the Sonoma Ecology Center as their Restoration Technician. There are even some small, more personal 'achievements' that I've reached such as finally getting the crazy haircut I've wanted since I was obsessed with Daveky Havok of AFI as a teen, having both of my legs tattooed, as well as getting the nose piercing I've envied for years. So things really have come together for me in some beautiful ways. I know a friend of mine commented on this, saying that I've really fulfilled the ambitions of my youth, and he was right really. The foundation has been laid as a young adult of 22, and now it is up to me to build and create upon that platform in the most br00tal and eco-groovy way that I can. I don't know what happens next, but we'll keep rolling along. Thanks for being a part of it.

Always follow the Left Hand Path.
