realized that in many ways that global biomes may be likened to our global
religions or any other human system of belief. This is because ecosystems are in
essence an expression to the wild vitality of the universe and an attempt to
make order/meaning from it. This is the same as humanity attempting, through
various beliefs/rituals/moralities, to construct a functional world from the
existence we’re given. All the plants
and animals organize themselves in whatever pattern makes sense to them just as
organize ourselves in a way that makes sense to us. What happens is that we are
all making use of the same base materials but constructing different structures
that are nonetheless equally viable.
In New
Zealand, the dominant forest tree might be Totara, Matai, Rimu or Beech while
in California it might be Oak, Bay Laurel, or Redwood. In both instances the
trees play the same roles of carbon sequestering, habitat provision, soil
building and so forth. It is exactly the same story for Christianity, Islam,
Hinduism, Buddhism, Existentialism or whatever you prefer. Each provides some
measure of comfort, community, love and tradition in its own way. Those are some
of the main functions of religion now whatever where you’re from. And so again
it comes down to the fact that nobody can necessarily be wrong; we’re just
doing what we can with what we have.
what I’ve come up with at least. Biomes are like religions: creative
expressions of life each equally worthy of respect and valuable for their