The headlines have really got me wondering recently. What will it take for us to realized that we need to change our ways? Will it be $10 a gallon gas? Another Dust Bowl or similar agricultural disaster? Perhaps a nuclear meltdown to call our own? We see all of these things happening around us, but our actions only continue to hasten the endtimes. The American public is frozen in place, struck dumb by the fact that its luxuries cannot and will not endure. Meanwhile, civilizations are actively crumbling around us. We're still largely insulated from the chaos for the time being, but one day we must face the reality of what we helped create. None of us can have illusions of sainthood in this situation. It's time we acknowledge our wrongdoings and begin to construct a new life fitted to the decline of the industrial age. Permaculture, organic, public transportation, kale. All of these things need to be introduced or perhaps reintroduced into our vocabularies. We need to overcome the yuppie stigma that halts us before the threshold of our local Whole Foods. Sustainability is necessarily the trend of the future. While we are by no means going to instantly begin dying off in droves, we are facing tangible danger here. If we don't begin now and in earnest, then it may well be too late to resuscitate our crippled world. I'm just worried what sort of dramatic American disaster it will take for us to truly understand that. It's time for some realistic forethought. At the moment we're all flirting with the end.
And just for fun, here's some suitably apocalyptic music. Ragnarok and all that fun stuff: